Friday, June 12, 2020

Digital Suicide

From ancient times the communication has started with correspondence and has taken the form of mobile phone in modern times and now these connections have been made by some of the more comfortable environment which we call internet.

Internet use is now commonplace among our young generation. Children are using the Internet for their educational activities as well as for entertainment. Surprisingly, the number of children between the ages of three and fifteen is alarming. Usually 99.5% of India mothers hold mobile phones in their hands to seduce and silence their children. Without realizing it, she is putting her own child on the brink of digital suicide. Children spend hours playing mobile games or watching cartoons on YouTube, which has a somewhat negative effect on children's mental health and social life.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, experts say that "children who use mobile phones too much or keep the phone too close to their eyes are more likely to have squinting in their eyes". Various scientific experiments have also shown that more than 60% of the radiation emitted from a smartphone is as dangerous to adults as it is to a teenage child. It stops making melatonins that alert our body to sleep time, thus the light of the smartphone interferes with the sleep cycle and sleep becomes impossible, which can lead to serious medical problems.

In addition, reckless use of smartphones in children often leads to anger, depression, behavioral fluctuations and irritability. Not only this, with the help of mobile phone there is a dramatic increase in child pornography and such things spread among them very fast and their habits become strong and become a problem for parents.

There are many other problems with mobile phones that are part of the society we are facing and now the question is how to save children from digital suicide?

The most important responsibility of parents in this regard is to prevent their children from buying unnecessary mobile phones. Besides, parents should keep a close eye on their children to see what they are doing with their mobile phones. What are you watching And who are you talking to? Also keep checking their phone in the absence of children. Schedule mobile phone use at home.

Experts say that users should not look at the screen of a mobile phone for more than 30 minutes continuously. Also set Wi-Fi on and off times. No invention is bad, its right or wrong use makes it good or bad and now it is up to us whether we make the mobile phone a benefit for the next generation or digital suicide.

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केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है

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