Monday, June 22, 2020

केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है

क्या आप जानते हैं कि केवल 10 प्रतिशत लोग ही इंटरनेट की परिभाषा के बारे में जानते हैं और केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि यह कैसे काम करता है? जब आप इस लेख को पढ़ना समाप्त करते हैं, तो आप उन कुछ लोगों में भी शामिल हो जाएंगे जो इंटरनेट का उपयोग करने के बारे में जानते हैं। हम इंटरनेट शब्द से शुरू करते हैं। यह आपस में जुड़े नेटवर्क को जोड़ता है।

विभिन्न वैज्ञानिकों और इंजीनियरों ने अलग-अलग समय पर इसमें अपनी भूमिका निभाई है। ग्राहम बेल, जिन्होंने बिना किसी संदेह के टेलीफोन की खोज की, इस सूची में सबसे ऊपर हैं।

यह कहने में, हम इसे आज के इंटरनेट के लिए शीत युद्ध के लिए विशेषता देंगे।

1960 में, अमेरिकी लोगों ने फैसला किया कि वे अपने कंप्यूटर का उपयोग एक स्थान पर सेना के लिए नहीं करेंगे, ताकि वे रूस के जेट का लक्ष्य न बन सकें।

फिर उसने देश के विभिन्न हिस्सों में कंप्यूटर भेजना शुरू कर दिया।

बात करने के लिए अपने कंप्यूटर को टेलीफोन लाइन से जोड़कर एक नेटवर्क बनाया।

क्या आपको डायल करके कनेक्शन लेना याद है, अब आप इंटरनेट का इतिहास भी जानते हैं।

अब बात करते हैं असली की। इंटरनेट एक मेट्रो ट्रैक की तरह है।

जिस पर, ट्रेन या सॉफ्टवेयर की भाषा में, यह पॉकेट फ्लो में चलता है।

हम उसके यात्री हैं। हम सीधे ट्रैक से नहीं जुड़े हैं।

हम कभी-कभी रिक्शा, बस या किसी अन्य रास्ते से ट्रैक तक पहुंचने की कोशिश करते हैं।

यह सभी वाहन इंटरनेट सेवाएं हैं। इंटरनेट एक लंबा चलने वाला ट्रैक है।

जो एक तार से चलता है और महासागर से गुजरने वाले विभिन्न महाद्वीपों को जोड़ता है। लगभग 8 मिलियन सेवाएँ, जिन्हें डेटा केंद्र भी कहा जाता है, उनसे जुड़ी हैं। सभी तार टेलीफोन, केबल टीवी और फाइबर ऑप्टिक वायर पर निर्भर करते हैं।

हालाँकि, अब हम उपग्रह के माध्यम से भी इंटरनेट सेवा प्राप्त करते हैं।

हम वास्तव में सितारों में तेज नहीं हैं और कई पृथ्वी पर हैं।

जैसे ही हम वेब पर फेसबुक की साइट टाइप करते हैं, हम सर्वर पर कमांड भेजते हैं।

यह कमांड हमारे इंटरनेट प्रोटोकॉल को पूरा करती है।

फ़ेसबुक पता अलग-अलग सीरीज़ नंबर बनाकर पैकेट में डाला जाता है और फिर तारों से होते हुए सिंगापुर सर्वर तक पहुंच जाता है।

वहां पड़ा कंप्यूटर इसे पढ़ता है और पैकेट नंबर में वेबपेज भेजता है।

जो हमारे कंप्यूटर पर दिखाई देता है और यही इंटरनेट काम करता है।

Friday, June 12, 2020

Digital Suicide

From ancient times the communication has started with correspondence and has taken the form of mobile phone in modern times and now these connections have been made by some of the more comfortable environment which we call internet.

Internet use is now commonplace among our young generation. Children are using the Internet for their educational activities as well as for entertainment. Surprisingly, the number of children between the ages of three and fifteen is alarming. Usually 99.5% of India mothers hold mobile phones in their hands to seduce and silence their children. Without realizing it, she is putting her own child on the brink of digital suicide. Children spend hours playing mobile games or watching cartoons on YouTube, which has a somewhat negative effect on children's mental health and social life.

According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, experts say that "children who use mobile phones too much or keep the phone too close to their eyes are more likely to have squinting in their eyes". Various scientific experiments have also shown that more than 60% of the radiation emitted from a smartphone is as dangerous to adults as it is to a teenage child. It stops making melatonins that alert our body to sleep time, thus the light of the smartphone interferes with the sleep cycle and sleep becomes impossible, which can lead to serious medical problems.

In addition, reckless use of smartphones in children often leads to anger, depression, behavioral fluctuations and irritability. Not only this, with the help of mobile phone there is a dramatic increase in child pornography and such things spread among them very fast and their habits become strong and become a problem for parents.

There are many other problems with mobile phones that are part of the society we are facing and now the question is how to save children from digital suicide?

The most important responsibility of parents in this regard is to prevent their children from buying unnecessary mobile phones. Besides, parents should keep a close eye on their children to see what they are doing with their mobile phones. What are you watching And who are you talking to? Also keep checking their phone in the absence of children. Schedule mobile phone use at home.

Experts say that users should not look at the screen of a mobile phone for more than 30 minutes continuously. Also set Wi-Fi on and off times. No invention is bad, its right or wrong use makes it good or bad and now it is up to us whether we make the mobile phone a benefit for the next generation or digital suicide.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Corona virus ... Alternative ways of teaching and learning

The educational crisis and vacuum created by the epidemic has caused irreparable educational loss to students around the world. The educational institutions and their affiliates have also suffered due to unplanned lockdowns. Due to the severity and fear of the disease, not only schools have been closed but students have been forced to stay confined to their homes. In the current situation, it is a natural process for parents and children to become emotionally and psychologically agitated. In view of the long-term closure of schools and educational institutions, it has become imperative to make rapid changes in the education system so that students can be engaged in teaching and learning and their precious time can be saved from being wasted. And educational institutions, realizing the delay in openness and with the intention of minimizing the educational disadvantage of students, have started conducting teaching activities through online teaching methods. Considering more alternative sources and resources. Nowadays, terms like E-Learning, Virtual Learning, Distance Education, Digital Learning and Supplemental Learning are in vogue in the languages ​​of readers and teachers. It is welcome that the adult minded people of the country are complaining and waiting for the situation. Instead of competing in difficult and uncertain situations and with the determination to adapt their skills to modern requirements, the chests are super. Line Education System Technology Facility Lack or lack of facilities has become a problem for educational institutions and students and due to lack of facilities and improper planning it is becoming unworkable and failing. Students, parents, students and educators have also begun to express their displeasure at the unconventional online medium of education, fearing that the system will not be able to meet the educational needs. Attempts have been made to shed light on the importance, usefulness and its disadvantages and implications.

Why online learning is considered important today The Corona virus has disrupted not only the education system of our country but also of the world. Facing emergencies is nothing new for our countrymen but they have become so accustomed to emergencies that they have to solve their problems somehow. But they are facing various situations and problems which have become a test for our education system. The current emergency situation has opened the floodgates of our development claims. Now we need technology and modern requirements. According to him, the quality of education has to be raised. The educational institutions of the country, especially the schools which had distanced themselves from digital education due to huge investment of capital and hard work, have now been left behind. Most educational institutions are currently using various resources such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Team, Zoom, Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp for online learning. The said resources and technology are not only modern but also useful.

Students' daily commute to school, daily school activities, teaching and learning, homework, extracurricular and co-curricular activities, recreational acquisition and study activities etc. which are an integral part of the student's daily routine. But now they are badly injured due to online education. The current situation has confused the study hours, play and leisure time of the children and the personal time of the students. Adherence to educational rules and regulations has also become impossible. In a situation where children's access to schools and classrooms has become almost impossible, it is important for madrassas to adhere to alternative methods of education that enable children to The educational loss of the students should be minimized and the educational process and the quality of knowledge should not be affected in any way.

The importance of animated image and sound education on a computer or smart mobile phone screen, which we refer to as online or virtual learning (virtual acquisition), has increased significantly in the current situation.

 It is important to develop a schedule based on educational routines, especially for a child who is forced to spend all day at home and has never been accustomed to such routines. In engaging children in learning and learning through virtual learning. Procedures based on selected curricula and activities are helpful. Implementing virtual learning disciplines and conducting educational activities.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Multi product online service

PLAN Detail:- Rs.499 

Validity-28 Days
Call U/L
Dats 1.5 Gb/Day

महीना 28 दिन का गिना जाएगा

Month Will Be Count 28 Days

  • 1 First Month 499 Rs - ओर हम आपके मोबाइल नंबर में पहले महीने 249 Rs का रिचार्ज करेंगे और आपको ऊपर दिया गया प्लान मिलेगा.
  • आपका पैसा बाकी रहा 500 Rs-249 Rs=251 Rs आपका बाकी रहा.
  • 2 Second Month आपको 70 Rs का Payment करना है आपके मोबाइल नंबर पर 249₹ का रिचार्ज हो जाएगा or ऊपर जो प्लान दिया गया है वो प्लान मिलेगा.
  • अभी आपका पैसा आगेका आपका पैसा 251 Rs+इस महीने अपने दिया वो 70 Rs=321 Rs 321 - 2nd महीने का कंपनी 249 Rs का आपके नंबर पर रिचार्ज किया यांनी की 321-249=72 Rs आपका जमा है.
  • 3rd Month आपको फिरसे 70 Rs का Payment करना है और आपके मोबाइल नंबर पे फिरसे 249 Rs का रिचार्ज हो जाएगा. आपका जमा आगेका पैसा - 72 Rs इस महीने अपने पेमेंट किया वो 70 Rs दोनों का मिलाके अपने दिया 142 Rs ओर कंपनी ने आपके मोबाइल नंबर पे Recharge किया 249 Rs का 72 Rs+70 Rs=142 - 249 = 107 Rs का आपको फायदा हुवा.
  • 4th Month अपने फिरसे पेमेंट किया 70 Rs का ओर आपके मोबाइल नंबर पर रिचार्ज किया 249 Rs का तो उस महीने आपको फायदा हुवा 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs का आपको फायदा हुवा.

  • 5th Month 70 Rs-249₹=179 Rs फायदा
  • 6th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा
  • 7th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा
  • 8th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा
  • 9th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा
  • 10th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा.
  • 11th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा.
  • 12th Month 70 Rs-249 Rs=179 Rs फायदा.
  • 249 Rs का हर महीने आप रिचार्ज करवाएंगे तो आपको 12 महीने का देना पड़ेगा 
          249 Rs ✖️ 12 = 2988 Rs

  • मगर आपको इस प्लान में 499₹ Registration Fees Or हर महीने 70₹ 11 महीने तक देना है यानी कि 770₹ टोटल हुवा 1269₹  देने पर आपको ये प्लान मिलेगा  यानी कि आपको फायदा होगा 1719 Rs का.....
           2988 Rs - 1269 Rs = 1719 Rs

  • तो जल्दी कीजिये ज्यादा सोचिये मत ओर ये प्लान करवा लीजिये

Call/What's app
Google PAY / phonepe 9200006065

Monday, May 11, 2020

Adobe photo shop 7.0 software with serial key

Adobe photo shop 7.0 software with serial key and installation process video and link 

Adobe photo shop software is a good software is used for graphic design image, banner, social media related image and poster its great helpful for user.
                                                                          Adobe Photo shop, this software is life time software because this software have serial number. its not a fake software its a good software. This software i am giving the link also you just press the download button. this is a .rar file and file size is 134 MB.

How To Install Photoshop 7.0 

This is downloading button just click to download button

  •  Click the download button and Download the Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
  • After download then Disconnect your PC from any internet connection
  • Extract the file you have downloaded earlier with WinRAR
  • Open Photoshop extract the folder, then run Setup.exe and if want serial number so Adobe Photoshop have serial number has given. Just copy and past
  • Then the installation will begin running immediately, wait until the end
And Thank You For , See You Next Time
also check the C: \ Program Files \ Adobe 

This is video is giving all information abut the installation process. step by step follow the this video.

Serial Number : 1045-1209-6738-4668-7696-2783 
App Name=Adobe Photoshop 7.0
Free Disk Space=2441
Enable Lang Dlg =Y

Update URL = http://

[Adobe PI]
Product Name=Photoshop
Product Type=Retail
Product Version=7.0
Product Language=Not Applicable
PI Version=1.0
PI Value=1869701

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Joining letter form employee of point

This is a format of joining letter this is some information about the company joining strategy and instructions

Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss
Employee name
Employee address

Dear employee this letter is to confirm our discussion and appoint you on the professional staff of company name. We are pleased that you have joined us full time on join date. The details of your employment are as follows.
Joining form sub point requirement
1. Salary
2. Terms of employee:-  training and promotion

3)Training = company first provide the training after training is completed then provide the promotion according to performance training.

4) Place of work:-location is mentioning the company.

5) Code of conduct:- Means
During the period of employment, you will work honestly, diligently development of the company.

6) confidentiality/secrecy
7) Intellectual property right
8) Borrowing/Acceptance/giving gift
9) Background investigation
10) Termination of employment- there is strictly mention the ...
If at any time in the opinion of the company. Which shall be final and binding, you are found guilty of dishonesty, disobedience, negligence which may be prejudicial to the interest of the organization, ad sense duty without permission or any conduct unbecoming of the status or the post hold of the company, or any conduct considered by the company as determined to its interest or in violation of one or more terms and condition of your employment.

11) Restrictions
12) General
13) Jurisdiction
14) Indemnity
15) Acceptance by company owner
16) Acceptance by employee
this is joining form strategy for following g the company. because this strategy is good for employee and company owner because joining time transparency required to both of means company and employee.

Type of video game and strategy

Game is completely dedicated to this simple but powerful vision and strategy
  •  Active game 
  • Digital distribution and download able content
  • Game for social network
  • Mobile game & phone game
  • User generated content
  • Cloud computing 
  • India game

Gene's type pf game in strategy
1.       Arcade game
An arcade game is a can operated entertainment machine typically installed in business such as restaurant mall video arcade s and family .
2.       A chive
action games are the most basis of gaming genres and certainly are of the broadest.
action such as listing game, first person shooters, third person shooter, action game involve the user to always perform action
3.       Adventure Game
Most Adventure Game are designed for a single player. Since they heavy emphasis on story example for tomb rider, Shrek, hulk, superman, Jumanji, king’s quest, monkey Iceland series, broker sword, Indiana Jones.
4.       Fighting
Fighting competitive fighting game emphasis one on one combat between two character one of whom may computer controlled
5.       strategy game
strategy game focus on game play that require carefully and skill full thinking and planning in order in achieve victory
example – age of empire
6.       Puzzle
Puzzle require to solve logic puzzle or negative complex location such as mazes
famous puzzle game – titres, lemming, minesweeper, bomber men.
7.       role playing game
role playing game often place the player in frankly or science fiction setting and drive the game play via a prominent story line.
8.       multiplayer's online Role- planning game (MMORPG) is a genre of computer role playing game in which a very large number of player interact with one another within a virtual game world. MMORPG are very popular through the world these game subscription based.

Suhbhkarni sanstha, jabalpur (M.P.). india

1. Organization Mobilize Jabalpur, Narsinghpur, Katni (M.p.)

3. Widows or divorcee there                                         : 100+

  1. Skill data mobilization criteria
·         To implement innovative livelihood ones programs with various target communities, particularly the most back and deprived through skill development.   
·         To receive financial technical and other assistance from departments of central and state government and from other available sources for implementing projects/schemes. in line with our defined objectives                                                            
·         Strengthening and capacity building for improved performance of members of local area,
·         To impart vocational trainings to generate additional sources livelihood, particularly for   women self-help groups and adolescents,                                 
·         To create awareness about all aspects of empowerments              
·         Universalizing the primary education particularly in rural and tribal areas.           
·         Conducting awareness programs for promoting various schemes initiated by central state and local self government bodies for benefit of people.           
·         Formation and strengthening of self help groups in rural areas/urban slums;        
·         Empowerment of women for their participation in decision-making process.       
·         Promoting non-conventional sources of energy.                         
·         Promoting national unity and harmony various communities, and  promoting art and cultural heritage of India and various sporting events,

2.       Local job opportunity:

                                    The Stitching, papad udyog, finance & bank, it, placement consultancy, tender and project work (sector) have lots of work there and after training provide job to this sector because there placement consultancy is tie - up in NGO.  Presently women co-operative society has stitching industry; papad udyog and agarbatti udyog are running. The society under have 150 to 200 workers in doing job work.

Set up of non profit organization

1.      Introduction:NGO

2. Mission
 3. Core Competencies of the organization
 . Training & Development

7. Sectoral Strengths
a.   Grassroots Institution Building;
             b.    Bank Empanelment Services;
The Women Enterprise Groups are involved in micro enterprise need the hardcore Finance to develop their own enterprises. We have tie up with different commercial Bank Such as ICICI and Micro Finance Institution like Rang de for providing financial assistance at their door step. 
c.       Livelihood and Enterprise Development;
d.      Enterprise Management Trainings;
ngo training services had been instrumental in developing core competency and triggered actions for promotion of micro Enterprises.
            e.   Women Empowerment and Social Equity;
ngo believes that true women empowerment would not be achieved until women learn to control their incomes become earning members in their households and demonstrate skills at par with men in the society.  ngo programs have been gender sensitive, very effective to make women realize their potential and ability to deal with multitasking roles. Women in our field programs have demonstrated that they can handle activities which were earlier seen as men’s activities like managing the oil expeller units, trading centers etc. These women actively participate in the village-related affairs. A few of them have now established as entrepreneurs and are empowered enough to register their contribution in the village economy.
f.        Market Development;
Over the years ngo has been evolved as a service provider and an agency having a strong understanding of the market in selected sub sectors. It has proved its tenacity in promoting a market-oriented approach to poor women’s business promotion in the face of market challenges and severe capacity constraints at the grassroots. It has devised an approach and framework that is consistent with the focus on helping women achieve sustainable grassroots enterprises. 

g.       ngos Institutional Linkages

h.          Key Strengths of ngo

·   Its tenacity in promoting a market-oriented approach to poor women’s business promotion in the face of market challenges and severe capacity constraints at the grassroots. It has devised an approach and framework that is consistent with the focus on helping women achieve in a market-oriented framework. To address the challenges posed by the market and women’s control of their own livelihoods to provide food security. It has promoted strategies to help rural women to develop as independent producers and gradually get involved in realms of action and advocacy to seek their entitlements that will improve their position in the society and not just their economic condition. It has integrated its market approach to women’s business within a rights-based framework.

·   Ability to transfer its enterprise promotion skills to others in enterprise development through training and business support in a manner that makes it easy for the trainees to apply these skills in their work. This is helped by its experience in adapting theory and technical concepts like SWOT and feasibility to the practical requirements of clients with varied backgrounds (professionals, community workers and grassroots women). Particularly useful has been its ability to develop visual materials, exercises etc. to simplify complex concepts in business promotion.

i.   Details of few assignments executed in the recent past
Training in micro-enterprise management and business planning:  (Short Programs)

Organisation Structure,
  Human Resources

केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है

क्या आप जानते हैं कि केवल 10 प्रतिशत लोग ही इंटरनेट की परिभाषा के बारे में जानते हैं और केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि यह कैसे काम करता है?...