Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Set up of non profit organization

1.      Introduction:NGO

2. Mission
 3. Core Competencies of the organization
 . Training & Development

7. Sectoral Strengths
a.   Grassroots Institution Building;
             b.    Bank Empanelment Services;
The Women Enterprise Groups are involved in micro enterprise need the hardcore Finance to develop their own enterprises. We have tie up with different commercial Bank Such as ICICI and Micro Finance Institution like Rang de for providing financial assistance at their door step. 
c.       Livelihood and Enterprise Development;
d.      Enterprise Management Trainings;
ngo training services had been instrumental in developing core competency and triggered actions for promotion of micro Enterprises.
            e.   Women Empowerment and Social Equity;
ngo believes that true women empowerment would not be achieved until women learn to control their incomes become earning members in their households and demonstrate skills at par with men in the society.  ngo programs have been gender sensitive, very effective to make women realize their potential and ability to deal with multitasking roles. Women in our field programs have demonstrated that they can handle activities which were earlier seen as men’s activities like managing the oil expeller units, trading centers etc. These women actively participate in the village-related affairs. A few of them have now established as entrepreneurs and are empowered enough to register their contribution in the village economy.
f.        Market Development;
Over the years ngo has been evolved as a service provider and an agency having a strong understanding of the market in selected sub sectors. It has proved its tenacity in promoting a market-oriented approach to poor women’s business promotion in the face of market challenges and severe capacity constraints at the grassroots. It has devised an approach and framework that is consistent with the focus on helping women achieve sustainable grassroots enterprises. 

g.       ngos Institutional Linkages

h.          Key Strengths of ngo

·   Its tenacity in promoting a market-oriented approach to poor women’s business promotion in the face of market challenges and severe capacity constraints at the grassroots. It has devised an approach and framework that is consistent with the focus on helping women achieve in a market-oriented framework. To address the challenges posed by the market and women’s control of their own livelihoods to provide food security. It has promoted strategies to help rural women to develop as independent producers and gradually get involved in realms of action and advocacy to seek their entitlements that will improve their position in the society and not just their economic condition. It has integrated its market approach to women’s business within a rights-based framework.

·   Ability to transfer its enterprise promotion skills to others in enterprise development through training and business support in a manner that makes it easy for the trainees to apply these skills in their work. This is helped by its experience in adapting theory and technical concepts like SWOT and feasibility to the practical requirements of clients with varied backgrounds (professionals, community workers and grassroots women). Particularly useful has been its ability to develop visual materials, exercises etc. to simplify complex concepts in business promotion.

i.   Details of few assignments executed in the recent past
Training in micro-enterprise management and business planning:  (Short Programs)

Organisation Structure,
  Human Resources

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केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है

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