Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Joining letter form employee of point

This is a format of joining letter this is some information about the company joining strategy and instructions

Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss
Employee name
Employee address

Dear employee this letter is to confirm our discussion and appoint you on the professional staff of company name. We are pleased that you have joined us full time on join date. The details of your employment are as follows.
Joining form sub point requirement
1. Salary
2. Terms of employee:-  training and promotion

3)Training = company first provide the training after training is completed then provide the promotion according to performance training.

4) Place of work:-location is mentioning the company.

5) Code of conduct:- Means
During the period of employment, you will work honestly, diligently development of the company.

6) confidentiality/secrecy
7) Intellectual property right
8) Borrowing/Acceptance/giving gift
9) Background investigation
10) Termination of employment- there is strictly mention the ...
If at any time in the opinion of the company. Which shall be final and binding, you are found guilty of dishonesty, disobedience, negligence which may be prejudicial to the interest of the organization, ad sense duty without permission or any conduct unbecoming of the status or the post hold of the company, or any conduct considered by the company as determined to its interest or in violation of one or more terms and condition of your employment.

11) Restrictions
12) General
13) Jurisdiction
14) Indemnity
15) Acceptance by company owner
16) Acceptance by employee
this is joining form strategy for following g the company. because this strategy is good for employee and company owner because joining time transparency required to both of means company and employee.

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केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि इंटरनेट कैसे काम करता है

क्या आप जानते हैं कि केवल 10 प्रतिशत लोग ही इंटरनेट की परिभाषा के बारे में जानते हैं और केवल 2 प्रतिशत लोग जानते हैं कि यह कैसे काम करता है?...